Yesterday was Thursday the 26th, and I started the evening by pushing the Jeep out of Dave's garage so I could sweep up all the dried mud that has been collecting on the floor. I also cleaned up the various fluids that have leaked out of my old engine/transmission/transfer case. Since Dave has multiple kids and dogs, poisonous fluids aren't the best thing to have sitting in puddles on the ground.

A three legged dog that lives in Dave's neighborhood, he's usually really wet and smells awful...
On the subject of cleaning, I also threw my old seats and my spare tire in the back of Dave's truck and took them down to his barn to store them. I'm kind of a neat freak, so the more space I have and the better things are organized, the happier I am.
One thing I did yesterday that actually involved my Jeep was to remove the transfer case from my old AX-5 transmission. The transfer case is pictured below, and it is used to convert some of the power from the engine into rotational energy to drive the front wheels when the 4 wheel drive is engaged.

When 4WD is not engaged, the T-Case simply causes the rear output shaft (the one on the top left) to spin by itself. Upon engagement of the 4WD, certain gears inside the T-Case mesh, causing the front output shaft (the one on the top right) to rotate, thus rotating the driveshaft attached to the front axel. The T-Case was a PITA to remove because there were about 8 nuts to remove and there was barely any room to fit a wrench in between the tranny and the t-case housing.
The next thing I did was drain all the oil out of the oil pan and then remove the pan from the engine. I wanted to replace the gasket, and while the pan was off I was able to clean it inside and out to remove build-up and sludge.
I spreayed the exterior of the pan with engine degreaser and then wiped it down after letting the degreaser soak in for 10 minutes. It took some elbow grease to get the sludge off, but in the end it was worth it to get the oil pan looking like (almost) new.
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