As I mentioned in an earlier post, when I traveled to East Sparta, Ohio on Sunday I received a bonus free gift when I bought my transmission. The guy I bought the tranny from just happened to have a pile of old transfer cases sitting behind his garage, and when he heard that I was looking for a 23 spline input shaft for MY transfer case, he told me to have a look through his pile to see if I could find one. I was lucky enough to be successful in this search, and on March 31st I finally took on the project of making the input shaft swap.

The old transfer case was already cracked open, and after removing a few bolts from the housing, Dave and I were able to break it open. The trickiest parts was getting the metal retaining clips off of the input shaft so that it could be pulled/pushed out of the housing.

Since I wasn't going to be using the old T-case, I wasn't worried about what I was doing while I took it apart.
When it came to taking apart my T-case, however, I needed to be really careful and I made sure that I took note of how everything fit together so that I could reassemble it correctly.

The new shaft fit perfectly in my T-case and after some struggling to get the two halves of the case to slide back together, I was finally done.

Before I started this little project, I was really worried that I would do something wrong like lose a piece, or put it back together incorrectly. But now that I have finished it and have been successful, it makes me realize that I could handle pretty much any type of task as long as I take my time and pay attention to what I'm doing.